Leonel - Antares

Leonel - Antares


Leonel - Antares
A. Antares
B. Bunda


We have a choice.

To progress towards a civilization which does not unconsciously perpetuate or aggravate inequality and poverty, we need to accept our many differences.

For those who prefer uniformity or others who would rather avoid proximity, the celebration of diversity might sound ridiculous.

A certain measure of discomfort is required to reach compassion. But peace through diversity is no prophet’s fantasy. It is no harder to imagine than the magical fact that we are alive right now.

The eternal act of dancing is one of the most active form of contemplation. Facing our own selves in the mirror of movement, we realize that we indeed are reflections of one another at all times. What will our own actions and thoughts feed around us?


The first two cuts come from the grooves of Argentine old hand Leonel, a family friend of long date. “Antares” and “Bunda” drag their dusty trails across different genres, to be enjoyed at 45 rotations per minute. Curative properties guaranteed.


“There is the kind of change that happens over millions of years; and there is the change that occurs in seconds.”

– C.Inouye

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